What is Changarrito?

CHANGARRITO is a non-profit self-managed cultural project, created by the visual artist Máximo González, that exhibit and promote artists through an alternative platform. Changarrito appeared in 2004, as an answer to an oficial selection of artists that was going to represent Mexico at Arco Madrid 2005.

Changarrito makes artistic interventions at the door of cultural spaces (galeries, museums, art fairs) opportunity to exhibit the artworks of the artists on a mobile cart. In the cases in which Changarrito is invited to take part inside the institutions, CH invite artists that have approached to the project but that have not been chosen by the institution.

Gradually, Changarrito builds a collection of Contemporary Art composed of artworks that have been bought to the artists during their exhibition at Changarrito or that have been donated by the exhibited artists or other supporters of the project. Up to today it has more than 1,300 artworks. The collection has been exhibited totally or partially in Mexico City, San Francisco, Aguascalientes, Careyes GDL, San Antonio TX, Puerto Vallarta and at Museo de la Ciudad de México.

In 2012, Changarrito begins its publishing project "Letritas del Changarrito" which has published 11 books. In the last years, Changarrito Project has been invited to take part at Venice Art Biennial in 2 opportunities, accompanying the Pavilion of Mexico, just like Bienal Metrópolis, in Copenhagen.

In 2014, CH was awarded with the support of Prince Claus Fund.

CH has been invited to fairs like Affordable Art Fair (MEX), Bedsitter (Vienna), FIA (Venezuela), Zona Maco (MEX) and multiple festivals and book fairs.

CH has made appearances in 22 cities and has a permanent branch at Mexic-Arte Museum, in Austin TX.

Changarrito Residency is created in 2015. It houses foreigner artists, in Mexico City, help them to make their artworks, in a quiet, humble and comfortable atmosphere, connect them with the City in order that  they carry out the projects. The residency is by invitation.

Changarrito webpage: https://proyectochangarrito.blogspot.com/

Instagram: @changarritoenaccion


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